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Week 8 Multimedia Example

Week 8 Multimedia Example

Q MULTIMEDIA ASSIGNMENT: Please see the three steps below and complete by Thursday, 3/25 before midnight. You may answer all questions with bullet points. 1) Submit an image or a link to an example of multimedia art. 2) Describe why this example fits the description of multimedia art. • Use the definition of Multimedia from Lecture 8. • Be sure to mention what art forms are used in your example. 3) Submit the following comments about the multimedia artist/s you selected: • Who is the artist (or artists), where are they from, what year was this piece created? • What do you think the artist/s are trying to do, say, or address in this example? 4) Be prepared to share and discuss your multimedia example on Friday, 3/26.

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1) Toy Story | Official Website | Disney 2) Multi media art engages senses other than sight. It uses hearing, touch or smell. It can move, occupy time, or develop over time. It sometimes will use advanced technology such as electricity, sound video, and interactivity. The art forms used in Toy story are original drawings that are transformed into computer animation, voice and color. Toy Story was Pixar’s first full length computer digital animation.